Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend of Victory!

This past weekend I went through some of the hardest things and yet it was one of the besst weekends I have had in the longest time!
I got up early for work and tried to do all that I could for the Elders in such a short time that I could be there with them. Then, my mom came and picked me up from the MTC and drove me over for my final surgery on my neck............That was painful!!!!!!!!! But my Mom satyed with me all day and my roommates came and kept us company and even my younger brother and his wife came by and visited with us! I felt so loved and supported! I even was spoiled enough to get a beautiful flower with the most adorable note! All of these tender mercies pushed me forward. They gave me courage to keep going and fight through the pain and search for the good in hard situations. That night regardless of how I felt I went to the Vanilla Ice & MC Hammer concert. It was a riot! It was hard to stay there the whole time because I was in a lot of pain but I was so glad that I got to go and make some more memories! There's nothing like good music to remind you of your childhood!
On Saturday morning I woke up early and went to my surprise there was a huge card from my Elders that said "Get Well Soon Sister Orchard- We love you" Life doesn't get much better than that! What sweethearts!
Right after work I went shopping with my niece for her Birthday. SHe and my mom came and picked me up and we shopped all afternoon- man, was I beat! It was fun though to see how I have witnessed my niece grow into a young woman!
That night My boyfriend and I were able to go out and celebrate my nieces birthday with the rest of my family. It was a great time! Crazy at times- but it was so fun to relax and enjoy family! I love'em so much!
We went to Valour afterwards and supported some friends in a concert that they put on. The music was incredible! I was so impressedwith the talent! I loved being there in that environment and loved being with my friends and my boyfriend. Honestly, I felt so blessed and glad to be alive- my weekend rocked! Regardless of be exhausted and in pain my life is so rich! I love the people in my life and am so grateful for what they contribute!

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