The night before Conference, at the mission reunion, Aaron came up and told me that he had some steller seats at Conference and wondered if I would be interested in going. Needless to say I was really excited and didn't care how early we would have to get up to get there on time! Scott had never been to conference before so it was nice for him to have that opportunity.
So, Scott and I got up early and drove up in a snow storm to meet Melanie at 8:30 am at the Gateway and then the three of us made our way to the trax and hopped on and rode them up to the conference center. There we met liz, doug and aaron at the water fountian and got our tickets. We even saw Jorgie ushering people when we got in there as well as some members from Virginia. It was so nice to see everyone!
We were shocked when we saw where we were going to be sitting! Amazing seats....we were so close! We were all really excited to be there when Elder Anderson was announced as the new Apostle. Wow! What an amazing spirit was in the room!
After the morning session we lucked out and got more tickets for the second session which were even better seats! So, we ran and grabbed a quick bite to eat and then came back for the second session. The second session there was me and melanie, and Withrows parents and then Scott, Aaron, Doug, and Henriekson. It was so fun to see those Elders who had never been to Conference before now be only a few rows back from the prophet. Everything was so up close and personal it was amazing! We sat next to Sherri Dew. However, I happened to fall asleep during the second session...that was embaressing to do in front of some of the people like Sherri Dew...oh well. It happened! lol
After the second session Aaron and Scot and I went for a walk and then sat down by the protesters and listened to what they had to say. We then met up with all the other guys and I said good-bye as they went to Priesthood and I went to the Hilton to meet my mother and grandmother. After Priesthood me and scott ate dinner with my parents, grandparents and my brother at the Macaroni Grill. It was really good!
After family time was over it was back to reunion time! We went up to the Pie and met up with everyone else and then went and saw Duplicity. I don't know if it was because it was late or because it was just a slow movie but we were all wondering why we chose to go to a movie after sitting all day!!!! I think it was just fun to be with each other! After the movie I dropped Scott off in Bountiful with Max and we said our goodbyes. I then drove back to Provo where two of the sisters Staja and Shellie were staying the night at my house like they had done the night before. They woke up when I got home and so we got to visit for a while before I went to bed.
Lets just say that today has all been a blur... but surprisingly I stayed awake during all of Conference today- both sessions! I even had the energy to get caught up with my roommates and go to dinner at Wes' apt tonight where we also played a game.... I have to admit though that I was loosing my energy and focus by the end of the night. I felt bad because the only person I knew there was Wes and he and I haven't known each other for very long....I felt bad that I wasn't my most cheerful self. But I am glad that I went non-the-less even though I think Wes would have won had I not have been on his team! lol
I am glad that I had a little bit of time to write and get caught up on my blog. Sorry Spencer and Joel for not watching a movie! Don't hate on us! Jerri and I were btoh really tired tonight and have a big week ahead of us!
Before I end I have to verbalize how blessed I am. I am super blessed for the old friendships, new friendships, and family in my life. This weekend was full of so many tender mercies that I am so humbled by the love my Heavenly Father has shown to me during this time of my life!
I love all of you and am so grateful you are a part of my life!
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